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4: Lost and Found by Celita

As a follow up to this week's episode here are the show notes and the words to my poem "Lost and Found". This is the second poem in my Recovery series.

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Lost and Found

I’ll try to tell them that I need You

But I have no idea

How to communicate or articulate

What You’ve been whispering in my ear

You’ve made such a difference in my life

So I hope I can hear

Just speak Your truth in this mic

Just make it plain and clear

I was lost, now I’m found

And it’s feeling so good

I’m so glad I got to know you

I’m so glad that I could

You’re always listening and waiting


You’re always right there

And I don’t have to ask how far

You’re at the end of this prayer…Father

I need God for what’s ahead

Without him I’m tires with no tread

But He puts on the breaks so I can stop

And brings my destructive habits to a head

Without Him all my junk would flow through

And who you think it’s gonna’ go to

My kids reproduced after my kind

Acting out what I left behind

The things I didn’t take time

To have released from my mind

It all flows through unnecessarily

And I can barely deal with the mess in me

Imagine the stress, cause I didn’t pass the test

As this affects the rest of my family

See we need God to plug the drain

And clean up what’s been jacked up

So we can be healed from the pain

And generational curses that have been backed up

See He’s everything to me

My peace and my sanity

So I gotta’ be the queen P

Praisin’ Him consistently

‘Cause even though my hearts been broken

I can rest on the words He’s spoken

My mind remains open

And I see a glimmer of hope when

I’m jumping

My fist pumping

Saying, I don’t know how I’m gonna get through it

But with God I can do it

And when He does it I say

“Thank you Father, I knew it”

But without him where would I be

Man face down in a dirt pile screaming

“I wish I had a Father to save me”

I’m trying to tell you that I need Him

But I have no idea

How to communicate or articulate

What He’s been whispering in my ear

He’s made such a difference in my life

So I hope I can hear

And speak His truth in this mic

Just make it plain and clear

I was lost, now I’m found

And it’s feeling so good

I’m so glad I got to know Him

I’m so glad that I could

He’s always listening and waiting


He’s always right there

How far away do you ask?

Just at the end of a prayer…Father

See, without God when you’re going through

There’s nothing to look forward too

Might as well stop there and bask in the despair

Of what’s aching you

But with Christ there’s a light

A reason for this pain and this fight

I’m in the place because someone needs these

He gives me healing so I can beat this

I’m putting up prayer as my defense

It keeps the devil from getting cheap hits

Because without Him I can defeat this

So I bail out early

Now the person that needed to hear from me

Won’t see my victory

Because I killed my testimony

And opportunity of delivering blessing

Approached life pride fully and I got my tail licked

Tried to go at it alone and I got my butt kicked

I’m not an unscathed Christian

I pray reality help you listen

I’ve tasted the venom of the serpent

And I would be dead for certain

If I didn’t have a God to believe in

It’s because of Him I’m still breathin’

He sent His son Jesus to relieve us

To teach and to heal us

To give His strength up so we won’t give up

So it’s God we must worship

I’m trying to tell you that I need Him

But I have no idea

How to communicate or articulate

What’s He’s been whispering in my ear

Now I’m not saying it’s been easy

Actually even now I’m dealing

But I can look forward to the future

If I just follow His leading

I was lost, now I’m found

And it’s feeling so good

I’m so glad I got to know Him

I’m so glad that I could

He’s always listening and waiting


He’s always right there

How far away do you ask?

Just at the end of a prayer

You see He took my sin and He quenched it

Grabbed it by the neck and He lynched it

I couldn’t do it so He pinch hit

Took what was difficult and He cinched it

Without Him I’m a misfit

He took my ride and he pimped it

If you’re not listening you might have missed it

He took my wound and He kissed it

He’s the ultimate hustler

He can sell God to the atheist

Purity to the promiscuous

Life to the suicidal

And food to the anorexic

He can stability to the nomad

Sobriety to the addict

He can sell “let go” to the clepto

He can sell water to the devil

I’m trying to tell YOU that YOU need Him

“Cause you have NO idea

How He gives such peace and He calms all fears

I’m not saying it will be easy

Actually, even now you can be dealing

But you can look forward to the future

If you just follow His leading

If you are lost, you can be found

And it will feel so good

You now have the chance to get to know Him

I sure wish that you would

He’s always listening and waiting


He’s always right there

How far away do you ask?

Just at the end of a prayer…Father

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